Key Considerations When Choosing a CX Business Partner

Customer experience management has never been as challenging for enterprises as it is today. Going forward, the capacity to win new consumers and retain existing ones will be even more confusing, with ongoing rapid changes in end-user expectations, technology, and the need for business continuity....Lesen Sie mehr

January 26, 2021

The Value of Offshore CX Outsourcing

Without question the pressure for organizations to manage their customer experience functions to the highest levels of quality have been intense over the past several years. And, while trends come and go in terms of how best to achieve the best results for consumers on voice and digital platforms...Lesen Sie mehr

November 23, 2020

Unplug yourself, look up, there is so much to see

I have often been accused of not being a realist. ......Lesen Sie mehr

Sirisha Govender
Capability BPO and Debt-IN Head: Training & Quality
October 13, 2020

When you were five

Amidst the sheer mass of the global dilemma mankind is faced with; it has become exceedingly difficult to remain confident and self-assured. I have found absolute joy and unwavering contentment recently in the simple pleasure of time spent in candid conversation with my kids....Lesen Sie mehr

Sirisha Govender
Capability BPO and Debt-IN Head: Training & Quality
June 18, 2020

Global BPO end-to-end delivery within 1 week

With the global pandemic of COVID-19, many online essential service companies are seeing an unprecedented increase in customer demand. An online retail demand service in the United States is one such company. The client experienced a rapid increase in customers needing their services, which, through our...Lesen Sie mehr

May 26, 2020

COVID-19 Corona Virus Südafrika Ressourcenportall

Am 31. Dezember 2019 hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ein Cluster an Lungenentzündungsfällen in Wuhan, China berichtet. ‘Schwerwiegendes akutes Atemwegssyndrom Coronavirus 2’ (SARS-CoV-2) wurde als kausaler Wirkstoff bestätigt, den wir jetzt als ‘Coronavirus-Erkrankung 2019’ (COVID-19) kennen. Seitdem hat sich das Virus ausgebreitet... Read More
Januar, 2020

Everest Group - Südafrika GBS Bereichswertzusammensetzung

Die meisten Unternehmen haben für 40-60% ihrer Mitarbeiter eine dezentrale Arbeit während COVID-19 ermöglicht; eine Reihe an Unternehmen berichten einen ~5% Anstieg in der Produktivität • robuste dezentrale Arbeitsinfrastruktur, ergänzt durch Erleichterungen bei Netzwerkinfrastrukturvorschriften und zusätzlicher Spektrumzuordnung, ermöglichten den schnellen Übergang... Lesen Sie mehr

Capability BPO
August, 2020